Tester Name: Mizara
Tested Member: Dark_John18
Deck Build :
He had used Zombies deck. Usually Zombie decks are capable of many kinds of OTK's and even FTK's, because Zombie cards support each other what allows us to chain them and do strong combos. His Zombies deck lacked that part and it didn't seem to work out too well. One of his deck's problems is his draw engine. Zombies are masters when it comes to draw engine, thanks to their "Search Engine" with cards like Pyramid Turtle, Mystic Tomato, Sangan and of course Goblin Zombie. I've seen Pyramid Turtle, but didn't notice any other search cards and too bad because usually those cards are the key cards in any Zombie deck.
He also put cards that theoretically are good cards in Zombie decks like Paladin of the Cursed Dragon but cards like that are useless unless you have Zombie World on the field, and it usually very easy to take out. You should also add Dark Armed Dragon. He works well with Golden Sarco and a good card to have on your first hand. Your deck also lacked the ability to use your cards again; for example you've used Plague's and Mezuki's effects and now you can't use them ever again because you don't have any cards to get 'em back on the action. Personally I put Return from the Different Dimension and Burial from a Different Dimension.
Another problem was that you didn't have any offensive spell cards. You had 1000 LP and I had Relfect Bounder on my field and you couldn't do anything about it. 2/5
He has overall fine amount of knowledge about the game. He needs to revise some rulings that concern damage step, but did OK most of time. One time he took damage from Caius, even though that the card I removed was Earth attribute. 3/5
It didn't seem like his deck had a specific strategy he had followed. He put Zombie cards but didn't plan it out so he can make combos big enough to defeat or stun his opponent. You could for example, work on how you use the fact that il Blud is a normal type monster unless it's normal summoned or try to make sure your Zombie World stays on the field with spell negating cards and so on. Also adding Search Engine Zombies will enhance your play style and allow you to use their effects in an effective way.
You also made some silly mistakes, like summoning a Synchro type monster when you had no other cards on the field while I had Rai-Oh on my side of the field. You did it twice.
It seems like he left before I could him the questions. But regardless even if he answered them all right my final decision wouldn't change. 0/5
Member Dorm: Slifer Red
Comments from the tester:
John, you're a fine duelist. You're still new to the whole academies thingy so you'll soon findout that there's a lot of things you can learn from academies and improve fast.
Hoping to see ya' owning me in your re-test.